Love Locks in Zurich and Paris

Today, when crossing the Mühlesteg bridge in Zurich, I noticed the countless love locks on the bridge railing. For the first time, I saw this form of a proof of love some fifteen years ago in Paris. This custom has obviously become common in Zurich as well. Actually, I witnessed how a young couple threw the key of the padlock, which they had previously attached to the bridge railing, as a proof of eternal love into the river Limmat. 

It’s a nice custom. Nevertheless, the love locks on many Parisian bridges over the Seine, especially around the Saint-Martin canal, pose a major dilemma for the authorities. The bridge railings are unnecessarily overloaded. Early this year, more than forty tons of love locks alone were removed from the Pont Neuf bridge. Should the authorities prohibit attaching these love expressions in metal, should they fine the tourists, or should the Police only hunt and punish the flying dealers of the padlocks? I would definitely regret it if these signs of eternal love and trust disappear in the City of Love!

Love Locks, Mühlesteg in Zurich

Love Locks, Mühlesteg in Zurich

Heute morgen beim Überqueren der Mühlestegbrücke in Zürich fielen mir die unzähligen Liebesschlösser am Brückengeländer auf. Zum ersten Mal sah ich diese Form des Liebesbeweis vor etwa fünfzehn Jahren in Paris. Dieser Brauchtum hat sich offensichtlich auch in Zürich eingebürgert. Es blieb mir nicht verborgen wie ein junges verliebtes Paar den Schlüssel des Vorhängeschlosses, das sie zuvor am Brückengeländer befestigt hatten, als Beweis der ewigen Liebe in den Fluss Limmat warf.

Die Liebesschlösser auf den Pariser Brücken, vor allem rund um den Kanal Saint-Martin, stellen die Stadtbehörden vor ein grosses Dilemma. Die Brückengeländer werden unnötig überlastet. In diesem Frühjahr wurden allein von der Pont-Neuf-Brücke über vierzig Tonnen Liebesschlösser weggeräumt. Soll man den Touristen das Anbringen dieser metallenen Liebesbekundungen generell verbieten, oder nur die fliegenden Händler der Vorhängeschlösser verfolgen und büssen? Ich auf jeden Fall würde es bedauern, sollte das Anbringen dieser Zeichen der ewigen Liebe und Treue in der Stadt der Liebe verboten werden!

Categories: Blogroll, France, Paris, Switzerland, Travel, Zurich | Tags: | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Love Locks in Zurich and Paris

  1. Lovely pictures💕💕💕

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mich stört einzig, dass all diese Schlüssel in der Natur landen.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kyleoyier

    Love the pictures

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nemorino

    As a frequent visitor to Paris, I have gradually changed my mind about the love locks. At first I thought they were a cute idea, when there were just a few of them, but now I have come to agree with the Paris council and population that they are just a form of vandalism.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A solution, of the purists will follow it. In Vancouver’s Queen Elizabeth Gardens, a metal sculpture was created and people were encouraged to attach their love locks there.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Not a fan of authority, regulations and such, yet, the humans overly do things, sometimes to ridiculous levels, so what’s to be done? I too probably would not have considered the padlock weight a problem, but indeed, I suppose that amount would get heavy!The sentiment is appreciable and the bridge is lovely. i never knew of it. Glad you shared it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Es gibt Love Locks auch in Köln

    Liked by 1 person

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