Posts Tagged With: Awards

Sunshine Blogger Award

Keep reading because you might be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award !

So, I got nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Emmarodgers

Dear Emma, thank you so much for your nomination !

The Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Things you have to do if you get nominated !

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the eleven questions the blogger asks you.
  3. Nominate others too.
  4. Talk about the rules of the award in your blog and tell others how happy you are although your nomination requires a bit of writing 🙂

The Questions I have to answer:

  1. Who is your favourite author ? Answer: Ernest Miller Hemingway
  2. Whom do you look up to ? Answer: My parents
  3. What do you think about Emma Rodgers ? Answer: I love Emma‘s Blog and look  forward to many new and interesting posts
  4. What is your favourite movie ? Answer: Monsieur Claude et ses filles
  5. What was the first horror movie that you saw ? Answer: The Birds (Alfred Hitchcock)
  6. Do you have siblings ? If you do then how many ? Answer: Yes, one sister
  7. How many languages can you speak and which ones are they ? Answer: German, French, English and Spanish
  8. How do you come up with blogging ideas ? Answer: I am inspired during my travels what to write in my Blog
  9. What is your favorite snack ? Answer: If you don’t know it, you should try my favorite snack, a grilled „St. Galler Bratwurst“ 🙂
  10. What is the stupidest mistake you’ve ever made ? Answer: That’s difficult to say, I made it a habit to forget my mistakes, that may be initsself a stupid mistake 🙂
  11. What is your favorite color and why ? Answer: My favorite color is Red because it is the color of love!


I would like to nominate:  Celia Hales, Fran N Nelli, Flavia Vinci and Aly Acabal for this award.

The Questions for the Nominees are:

  1. What song is currently your favorite ?
  2. What is your favorite myth or story ?
  3. What is your preferred color and why ?
  4. What is your favorite holiday destination ?
  5. What is your favorite movie ?
  6. What is your biggest accomplishment ?
  7. Do you love animals and which one in particular ?
  8. Have you ever been in the Caribbean and where ?
  9. What is your preferred cuisine ?
  10. What would you like to do if you could ?
  11. Do you have a YouTube Channel and if yes, what is it’s name ?

So, that is all for today my dear friends. I hope you enjoyed this post 🙂

Thanks for following my Blog !

Cheers, Roland


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