Nominated for „The Blogger Recognition Award“

Thank you!

I was nominated by Didi Art Design for which I am very thankful and honoured.

Thanks a lot, dear Didi

Blogger Recognition Award

The Blogger Recognition Award

Recommendation (1): 

Didi Art Design Blog is one of my favorite blogs! Daily, I am awaiting Didi’s posts. In Particular, I love the alignment of Didis Digital Art with his fine and sensitive poetry! Please, dear bloggers, check out this blog, you will not be disappointed.

The Rules (2):

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 15 other bloggers for this award.
  6. Comment on each blog to let them know you have nominated them and a link to the post you created.

A brief story of how my blog started (3):

I started my blog about 3 years ago but did not pay attention so much and left it “sleeping“ until this year in April. During a long stay on a small Caribbean island, I decided to commence to write a few posts. Believe it or not, I liked it and now, back home, I became a blogger that publishes posts on almost a daily basis. Thanks to the WordPress platform, I can now write and share my travel experiences with a larger audience and perhaps inspire my readers for planning their future travels.

My Advice to Beginners (4):

  1. Write about experiences and thoughts that you have actually made.
  2. Be yourself, blog posts should represent your view, an own opinion is essential.
  3. Respect the applicable copyright and personal rights.
  4. Be authentic.

My Nominees (5):

(Participation is of course a voluntary matter – when joining have much fun, dear blogger)

  1. elganspo
  2. Away on a trip
  3. susiesopinions
  4. David Dillon
  5. Wandering Canadians
  6. Book Beach Bunny
  7. Come With G
  8. MiddleMe
  9. A Better Man
  10. Roth Poetry
  11. Angelart Star
  12. Lyn Douglas
  13. Krone, Krusos, Kronos
  14. Art Gowns
  15. AninditaBose (AninditaRoyBose)

Thank you, my dear blogger friends, for your presence and attention!


Categories: Blog, Blogroll | Tags: , , , , | 26 Comments

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26 thoughts on “Nominated for „The Blogger Recognition Award“

  1. Congratulations 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations 🎊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on the award nomination… and thank you for thinking of me.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations and thank you for nominating me. I will post mine this weekend. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am also going to check out the other bloggers you have nominated.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats


  7. Congratulations😃

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you very much, my friend 🙂

    Your advice is surely of great benefit for beginners, they definitely will appreciate it.
    Thanks also for your participation kind words.

    Have a great time, my friend

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Congratulations

    Liked by 1 person

  10. A Big Congratulations to You!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Congrats to you & thanks for the nomination!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Congratulations! A well-deserved nomination indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Congrats🎊🎈🎉


  14. Congratulations!


  15. Congrats dear!!!😍

    Liked by 2 people

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