Baby Snow Owl

It was on a snowy winter’s day in December of last year, when I discovered this female snow owl in our aviary in the city of Zug. Yesterday, only a few months later, our snow owls seem to have descendants, two young, grayish snow owls have looked at me with open and inquisitive eyes, they are probably only a few weeks old.

Baby snow Owl

Baby Snow Owl

Snow owls belong to the owl family and are close relatives to the Uhu native in Switzerland. The snow owls live mainly in the Arctic tundra and in our aviary in Zug 🙂 The females differ from the males in their size and the color of the plumage, i.e. the females have brown lines in their plumage and are much larger than the whole white male. The wing span is about 150 centimeters. On the menu card of the snow owls are mainly lemmings, the main prey of these beautiful birds.

Es war an einem verschneiten Wintertag im Dezember letzten Jahres, als ich diese weibliche Schneeeule in unserer Voliere in der Stadt Zug entdeckte. Gestern, nur wenige Monate spĂ€ter, scheinen unsere Schneeulen Nachkommen erhalten zu haben, zwei junge, grĂ€uliche Schneeeulen haben mich mit offenen und neugierigen Augen angeguckt, wahrscheinlich sind sie erst ein paar Wochen alt. Schneeeulen gehören zur Eulenfamilie und sind nahe Verwandte der in der Schweiz heimischen Uhu. Die Schneeeulen leben hauptsĂ€chlich in der arktischen Tundra und in unserer Voliere in Zug 🙂 Die Weibchen unterscheiden sich von den MĂ€nnchen in ihrer GrĂ¶ĂŸe und der Farbe des Gefieders, d.h. die Weibchen haben braune Linien in ihrem Gefieder und sind viel grĂ¶ĂŸer als die ganz weißen MĂ€nnchen. Die FlĂŒgel Spannweite betrĂ€gt etwa 150 Zentimeter. Auf der Speisekarte der Schneeeulen sind hauptsĂ€chlich Lemminge, die Hauptbeute dieser schönen Vögel.

Categories: Blogroll, Nature, Switzerland, Travel | Tags: , , | 12 Comments

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12 thoughts on “Baby Snow Owl

  1. Emmarodgers. A long journey of mine.

    aww… that is the cutest thing i have ever seen. awesome post by the way and also how are you ?


    • Hi, thank you very much for your feedback and for following me Blog! I am OK and hope you are fine as well! Cheers and keep in touch! Roland

      Liked by 1 person

      • Emmarodgers. A long journey of mine.

        Sure! It’s good to know that you are ok đŸ‘ŒđŸ» bye !!!!! Talk to you later


  2. I didn’t even know about these until this post, great to see and to learn, and the video too, thank you.


  3. He looks like he’s wrapped in a huge sweater!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Snowy Owls are so beautiful, and that baby owl is adorable!


  5. It’s amazing that something ridiculously adorable morphs into a creature majestically beautiful! Want to pat the baby’s poofiness (that’s a real word today) & cuddle the adult really really badly! That I also learned along with these lovely photos is a benefit.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I just realized that was a video up there, finally saw the “play” button. I knew Switzerland has much beauty, I see more of it thanks to your sharing….and why, oh why is it so cute when they blink?!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow what a treat!


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