Alpacas the curious and lovely animals in the Andes

The alpaca is a domesticated type of camel native to the South American Andes. It is mainly bred for its wool. Especially fine and also more expensive is the wool of baby alpacas. The animals have a calm and peaceful character. There are almost 4 million alpacas living in Peru, which makes up about 80 percent of the world’s total population. I do not know anybody who has returned from their travels through the Andes without having bought an alpaca wool garment. The alpaca meat, which can be found on almost every menu card in Peru, is said to be extremely tender, very low in cholesterol and not unlike deer meat. I am however not sure whether I would like to see these lovely, curious and playful animals on my plate.


Alpaca at the lake Titikaka

Das Alpaka stammt aus den südamerikanischen Anden und ist eine domestizierte Kamelart welche vorwiegend wegen ihrer Wolle gezüchtet werden. Besonders fein und auch teurer ist die Wolle von Baby-Alpakas. Die Tiere haben einen ruhigen und friedlichen Charakter. In Peru leben etwa 4 Millionen Alpakas, was ca. 80 Prozent des weltweiten Bestandes ausmacht. Ich kenne niemanden der ohne ein Kleidungsstück aus Alpakawolle von seiner Reise durch die Anden nach Hause zurückgekehrt ist. Man sagt, dass das Alpakafleisch, welches sich in Peru auf beinahe jeder Speisekarte findet, äusserst zart, sehr cholesterinarm und dem Wild nicht unähnlich sei. Ich für meinen Fall bin aber nicht sicher, ob ich diese lieben, neugierigen und verspielten Tiere auf meinem Teller sehen möchte.

Categories: Blogroll, Bolivia, Peru, Travel, Weltreisen | Tags: , | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “Alpacas the curious and lovely animals in the Andes

  1. Awesome post and yes same here I too would hate to see their meat on my plate. Such wonderful creatures of nature. So well described about them. Thanks for the share.


  2. So cute!! I do not neet to know haw they taste…:-)!


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  4. Their feet are remarkable. How do those few toes support those furry beasts?


  5. Lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I hear you about alpaca meat. The older I become, the more difficult it is to eat the flesh of all animals. I still find it easier to eat fish, but even that is causing me to pause. Life can be so cruel.

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